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It's a Boy!!

By Gail Wasserman


Leon Abraham Cornman was the first son (and only to survive) born to Isadore and Sarah Cornman.  He grew up surrounded by sisters - three older and four younger (three younger after our sister Fay died).  Many times my Mother would say "he was more difficult to raise than all of the girls put together."  In those days, parents didn't worry about the psychology of such comments, and neither did he.  Leon was always a very creative and fun loving person.  He didn't follow the crowd, he was a leader.  In later years, he truly became the head of the family and could relate to every generation.  All of his nieces and nephews felt very close to him and would turn to him for his advise.  He seemed especially anxious to be helpful.  His entertainment business was so perfectly suited for him.  I don't think he really separated his personal life from his professional life - they were one in the same.

As we planned this reunion, it was difficult not to miss him.  He loved keeping the family together, and of course, planning parties was his business - and he was great at doing both.

Born: July 9, 1923            Died: December 18, 1982